Catching Fire by Suzanne Collins. This was a great read! It is the second book in a series with the first book being The Hunger Games. I first heard of this series from Stephenie Meyer's web site, she highly recommended it. It took me a minute to get reacquainted with the characters, but once I did, what a ride! This series is fast paced, full of action, and has a touch of a love story. I was riveted to this book, and read from the third chapter to the end of the book without stopping! The only problem is that this book has a cliffhanger ending! I will have to wait until the third book comes out to find out what happens. I will be waiting with baited breath!!!
The Wizard of Oz by L. Frank Baum
2 days ago
I keep meaning to buy these books but haven't gotten to them yet.
I L-O-V-E-D these books!!! They were both very awesome. I was rather bummed myself with the ending of the book. I remember I was counting the pages to the end and thinking, she isn't going to be able to finish this, only x pages left - its just not going to happen. I was really sweating bullets hoping but knowing it was going to be a cliffhanger.
I've heard nothing but good stuff about this series. For some reason, tho' it just doesn't seem to be catching my interest. One day, I'll finally read one and knock myself up the head wondering what took me so long!
Ryan- these are definately must reads! If you wait till the end of summer, you can read them all, and won't have the disappointing cliffhangers I hate so much!
Melissa- I got a sinking feeling too when I noticed there weren't enough pages left for it to have a nice tidy ending! Oh well, the next one comes out end of summer I think?
Lisa- I really liked the series, it reminded me of "The Running Man" mixed with "Lord of the Flies" mixed with "The Lottery"
I don't know how else to sum it up
I had received a tweet from Scholastic (Who publishes the books I think) and Hunger Games Book 3s release date is to be August 24, 2010. I am really looking forward to it.
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